Lake Jennings Spring Photo Contest Submission
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Required upload size: 3.0MB – 104.86MB

Photos containing an identifiable person(s) will require a signed model release form

Required upload size: 3.0MB – 104.86MB

Photos containing an identifiable person(s) will require a signed model release form

Required upload size: 3.0MB – 104.86MB

Photos containing an identifiable person(s) will require a signed model release form
PHOTO RELEASE: Please note photos submitted become the property of Helix Water District. Helix Water District has the right to use submitted photos for its Lake Jennings Spring Photo Contest Exhibit and public relations use, including, but not limited to: display of the original or copies of a photo at exhibit events, websites, social media and reproduction of copies on all types of promotional items, such as T-shirts, postcards, bookmarks, posters, flyers, reports, etc. I agree to the conditions stated above. I understand that, upon submission, the photo becomes the sole property of Helix Water District. I affirm that I took the photo and that I have full rights to the content of the photograph. I affirm that any person(s) appearing in the photograph have given their permission to be included, and that their signed statements are attached to this form. I agree to hold Helix Water District harmless in case of any dispute over the image submitted. I acknowledge that my typed name below is an electronic signature of this document and fully binding and enforceable.